Friday, June 20, 2008

Because I wasn't busy enough....

I'm a pretty busy guy. I have two jobs. I teach photography full time at Corvallis High School. I also run my own wedding photography business shooting 15-20 weddings a year. I have two children under the age of three. If that wasn't enough, this year I'll be starting my Master's program at OSU in Photography. Luckily though, I won't be teaching full time so I'll have a little more time to devote to my family, my business and my school. This all brings me to the announcement that I'm taking on a third job. I am now the official Corallis Correspondent for Mi Gente magazine. Shooting Barack Obama for the cover was just so much fun, and they were pleased enough with the pictures that I'll be shooting more freelance for them in the future. I'm pretty enthused to be able to work in so many different forms of photography. This year I'll have the opportunity to be a teacher, a student, a small business owner, and now a photojournalist.


Elisa Street said...

Chris, that's awesome that you are starting your Master's...and in PHOTOGRAPHY!!! I can't believe Kara hasn't blogged this... Congrats!

Kara said...

and... you will continue to be rock star dad and husband!! You are amazing!

-hh said...

holy cow. i hadn't checked your site in a while. your photos create an extreme reaction -- like sickness, but in a good way. does that make sense? they are just unbelievable. you are a SUPREME talent.

Chris said...

Thanks Elisa!

HH...Thanks.....I think!