Sunday, August 12, 2007

Cars and Stuff

It's been a while since I shared some family news so here it goes. We payed off our van! Yeah! This is actually really significant to me because I had to sell my truck to start my business, so being able to upgrade and fully payoff another vehicle feels like justification for all the hard work I've been putting in. It's also significant because even though I'm totally passionate about my work and my clients, it really is all about providing for my family. I feel really blessed to be able to provide in such a creative and fun way!

I feel kind of lame (as in old) being 27 and driving a mini-van, but hey, we've got a baby on the way! Only two more months and my hijito will be here.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Yeah I'm so excited!!! Now I can buy more cameras! (I forgot to include that in the post)