Sunday, March 2, 2008

Inspiring quote

So I read a pretty interesting quote the other day from an amazing wedding photographer, David Beckstead. He was talking about taking your business to the next level and said that in order to do so you should ask yourself some tough questions, among them “Are you completely excited about your website?” While my website has served me well during the past year, I wanted something more. I wanted bigger pictures and a smoother design. I searched the web for the right look and when I found it decided to go ahead and make the investment. I can honestly say I am completely excited about my new site. It is big, bold and beautiful, and offers me the flexibility to adjust it as I have a few big changes in store for later on in the year.

Ok, enough blabbing. Go check it out!

1 comment:

Jarvie said...

By the way I love the look of your website now.
I can't remember what it looked like before... but its simple awesome layout now.

Where did you find it? And how hard was it to impliment... if you don't mind me asking.

And I love looking at your pictures and I'm not just saying that... there are a lot of photographers that I don't enjoy seeing. I'm sure part of it is because I know you! But still!

Oregon is so green!!