Saturday, May 9, 2009

Erik and Katie's Wedding in LaGrande, Oregon

The first wedding of the year is here! I drove all the way out to LaGrande Oregon last weekend to shoot Katie and Erik's wedding. Shooting their wedding was really special because I have shot weddings for two of their friends, I knew many of the guests there. Not by name, but by their pictures from the other weddings. So here we go.

I wanted to start with this shot just because I love their expressions. Katie ran and Erik caught her in his arms and then they giggled together. Pretty cute stuff.

There was this great stained glass window that I used for a backdrop.

Of course we had to do some silhouettes.

Katie and her dad just as they started walking up the aisle....I wonder what they said to each other to get those expressions?

I had to throw this one in too. The kids up above on the balcony are great!

I turned the exposure way down for this one because I wanted to emphasize the light that they were creating.

All day driving up and during the ceremony it was pouring down rain. Then the ceremony ends and bam, Sunshine!!! We hurried outside to get a few shots like this one.

Shadows are cool.

Ok at the reception I tried out some new gear and I am VERY pleased with the results. (Warning camera nerd speak ahead) So these radio transmitters are great because they are extremely reliable, they have a range of around 200 feet, and they ALWAYS fire.

Anyway I love a nice backlight so I set up the light on a stand and went for it.
I love this intimate shot of Erik and Katie dancing.

There were lots of cute kids, and here is more back lighting.

And some more.

And more.

Ok, that's it for my first wedding of what is going to be my busiest year yet! I'm shooting a wedding today in Portland so check back soon for more!


Anonymous said...

PocketWizards? 580EX in manual?

Danae Jones Photography said...

Any cool shots with the macro?

Chris said...

I did use the 580 EX in manual, but fired them with Paul C. Buff transmitters. I also shot some macro, but didn't have time for a whole lot...