Wednesday, May 9, 2007

My Best Friend

I just wanted to take a minute and say something about my sweet wife. Last weekend we celebrated our 5th anniversary. It has been a great 5 years. I think that one reason I know that is because I am so excited for the next 5 years. Life with Kara has always been an adventure;one that is filled with love and joy. Kara really is a joyous person.

We have shared some amazing adventures in our years together. We've lived in Honduras and walked through gun shots to volunteer at an orphange (her idea),rented a basement apartment under a family with 6 boys who were Wrestlemania fans (my idea), and traveled about a million times back and forth to Klamath Falls, Utah, Idaho and Los Angelos to visit family and friends.

Our latest adventure of course is growing this business while raising Sofia...and preparing for our second child to be born. Yup Kara is pregnant! I'm nervous and scared, and feeling all those fatherly pressures,but I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm so glad I have Kara to share my life.

p.s. this was our engagement picture, taken by my dad.

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