Thursday, September 13, 2007

Diamonds in the Rough

When I get home from a shoot I do a quick run through of the images and get them up on my blog as quick as possible. In the process sometimes really amazing shots don't make it.

Take the picture below as an example. I remember shooting this and thinking "I love the line that is formed from the highlight coming in from the window." Shooting in full manual, I exposed just enough to get that highlight, and then just went on with the day.

Last night as I was adjusting Julia's images I came a across this shot, played with the levels, and wow, this shot just jumped out at me as my favorite of the day. Someday when I get the time(probably in December) I'm going to make a "best of the rest" slideshow with all my favorites that didn't make it in the blog the first time....Until then stay tuned, more weddings to come!

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